The Vision of Invisible Reality Prison Ministry (IRPM) is to positively support those impacted by incarceration and to assist them in recognizing their true identity in Jesus Christ. Our approach will ultimately lead to transformed individuals, unified families, and strengthened communities.
Invisible Reality Prison Ministry (IRPM) is committed to contributing positive influence through Bibliocentric principles. We provide Bible Studies and Worship Services, which are made available to those incarcerated. We also have resources and referrals to assist those incarcerated and those reintegrating into the community. Invisible Reality Prison Ministry meets the needs of the total person; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually!
“…I was in prison and you came to Me.” (Matthew 25:36)
Services Provided
Worship Services
Bible Study
One-on-One Visits
Stronghold Sessions (Individual and Group Mental Health Support)
Encouraging Letters
Reentry Resources
Health & Wellness Resources
Family Support